[LargeFormat] We got a little snow in Boston yesterday...

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sat Feb 8 10:14:37 2003

The forecast was for 1-3 inches but we got 11... for which I wasn't


I still don't know what sense of naive, misguided sense of optimism
leads me to continue to believe our local forecasters anymore than I
trust mapquest to give me correct directions to my back yard.

These were taken with my old beat up Kodak/Nikon DCS/N90 digital.  But,
I kept whispering "Large Format" every time I pressed the shutter

At 15 degrees it's colder than penguin s**t outside today, but in a few
minutes I'm going off with the 11x14 to try to capture this on the the
big chrome, this one was taken with a Rollei 6008i:



Jim - http://www.hemenway.com