[LargeFormat] Introductions

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 19 11:32:03 2003


Since you asked...

Note: Read this if you have nothing else to do and/or are a masochist.

I shoot 35mm Leica SLR, 6x6 Rollei SLR, 4x5 Graphlex SLR, 8x10 Kodak
Master and 11x14 Korona.  Currently I'm consumed with trying to capture
a certain tree on 11x14 Ektachrome. Here it is on 6x6 Provia F shot with
a Rollei 6008i SLR: http://www.hemenway.com/pages/Twisted%20Tree.htm
I've already managed one about two weeks ago but the DOF isn't good
enough, should have shot at f45/64+ instead of f 32.  Might scan it and
post, might not.  Really cold weather makes me lazy, so does really hot
weather as well as spring and fall weather.

We are due for a little snow sometime in the next few days and I've
given my employer notice that I'll be quite late to work on the next
sunny morning following some snow. That's unless it's 5 F rather than
20F or thereabouts.  I don't mind the cold but the joints in my fingers

I began my photo interests in the early 50s with a bakelite Kodak
Brownie Hawkeye using 620 Verichrome, it wasn't "pan" yet and one could
inspection develop it with a Tri-chem pack using a 7 watt red bulb.

Then I did a lot of 6x6 TLR stuff in the late 50s whilst in high school
and college, then switched to 35mm SLRs for the next few decades but
continued to use 8x10 and 11x14 as an assistant photographer in a studio
for a while.

Then grew up, (a little) got married, had kids, had a career, got
divorced, bought a Cadillac, changed careers, sold the Cadillac, etc.,
et., etc.

Got a hankering for larger chromes so bought into the Rollei 6000 system
about 4 years ago.  They didn't seem big enough so went to 4x5, 8x10 and
then 11x14... which is big enough I guess, although I'd like to try
16x20 chromes if there were any film available, not to mention the $$$
necessary for a camera.

Last week I was finally able to score several boxes of 11x14 Ektachrome
(2001) and as a result I'm in hog heaven except for the outside
temperatures... minus 3 F at 7 this morning.  Wow, 100 ASA instead of

I recently bought a BIG heavy light table from a printer who has gone
completely digital. A great place to show off the big chromes.

I haven't made my living with photography for many, many years.  Up
until this recession, my work in the software industry has bankrolled
my  quixotic photo activities.

Maybe I'll be laid off soon and then have the excuse to drive to
Monument Valley in the American southwest to shoot the "Buttes" with the

I'd wouldn't mind getting to OZ, but there's nothing to do there except
to shoot that big red rock out in the desert and meet and greet Cousin
Dick in order to convince him to try some stand up comedy.

If you have a few minutes, please visit my web site.  The large format
stuff is at the bottom.  I haven't updated that section for about 6+
months but intend to do it soon... Well, I'll do it sometime.


Did you know that the photos for Playboy magazine used to be shot on
8x10 chromes?  While those in National Geographic with 35mm?

But they nevertheless look the same... both magazines have beautiful
color photographs of places that I'm never going to get to visit.

My apologies to those of you who have recently endured the above from me
on the RUG.

Anyone have any 11x14 color negative film which they would like to
sell?  Outdated is okay as long as you've kept it cool.

Anyone know an available rich, 50 ish, attractive widow... who might be
on the prowl?


Jim "no more B&W for me" Hemenway

Clive Warren wrote:
> Dear All,
> There are now 321 members of the f32 Large Format list!
> It seems that we do not hear from a large number of people on the
> list so this in an invite to everyone to come out of lurking mode and
> tell us who you are. Something simple on your photographic
> background, kit and preferred format/film and location would be a
> good starting point.
> I'll start then......
> I have a passion for old cameras that I try to keep under control as
> it can be a distraction from taking photos. I use old and modern kit,
> mostly 4x5 but also 5x7 and 8x10.
> Currently trying to clear enough space for an 8x10 enlarger and
> fettling an 8x10  Korona camera to replace an 8x10 B&J that is a
> little too cumbersome for field use.
> More B&W is shot than colour - although it takes a lot to beat a
> striking trannie on a lightbox...... one day there will be a couple
> of boxes of 8x10 Provia in the fridge :-)
> I live in Bristol, England and would welcome the opportunity to meet
> any list members passing through this part of South West England. Any
> excuse to get away from the computer and out into the real world with
> some loaded film holders.....
> Right, now let's here from the rest of you!
> Cheers,
>         Clive
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