[LargeFormat] Anybody home?

mark blackman largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jan 18 09:24:00 2003

From: "rstein" <rstein@bigpond.net.au>
>     But let me ask you and the other list members for some good advice.
>      I need to shoot straight down with my 4 x 5 Linhof E monorail from up
> near the ceiling of my studio - the models will be sprawled out on the
> under the camera.
>     I need to suspend the E adequately - and stop vibration as it works -
> and adequately view the focussing and framing as we move the models about.
> do have a rightangle finder for the E that will let me get my eye up there
> but how do I get my eye up there whilst suspended over the model?
Uncle Dick,
clearly you are not a proper photographer, as you value your subjects
greater than your equipment. Ask yourself, why should you have to go through
all of these contortions - why shouldn't the models? The answer to this
problem is quite simple - nail the models against onto a wall, using
developing trays to catch the drips. You can get rid of the nailheads in the
final image using PhotoShop.