[LargeFormat] Clothing

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jan 2 06:57:19 2003

Dear Mike,

     Barry McKenzie wasn't a cartoon strip. It was an illustrated
instruction pamphlet on social interaction between humans and the English. I
found it invaluable on my travels in the 70's.

    The forms of address and vocabulary are still valid today when
Australiand and New Zealanders go to the UK. It enables us to completely
negate the effects of the class system and get our own sweet way. We are
considered so far off the social meter that no notice is taken of anything
we do - you can walk down Oxford Street completely naked as long as you have
a six-pack of Fosters and an Akubra. Come to think of it you can do that in
Sydney on Oxford Street and have a wonderful holiday with new friends.

    Uncle Dick