[LargeFormat] The Nanson Matter

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 25 08:27:22 2002

Dear Mr. Warren,

     I wish to complain bitterly about the recent posting of a scene in
Queensland by Mr. Brock Nanson. He has done a great disservice to the cause
of truthfulness and geographical understanding.

    The picture is all very well as a picture - exposure and composition and
colour and that sort of thing - but that is where the rot sets in. There are
no signs of empty beer cans anywhere. There are no carcasses. Where are the
rusted car bodies? Where are the aboriginals and the cans of petrol? Have
these been Photoshopped out?

     And what is the viewer to do about the other senses? How can we be
expected to hear the squealing of pigs, or the chainsaws, or the shotguns?
Where are the banjos?

     I think Mr. Nanson owes the world an explanation. I await with concern
and remain, in Western Australia,

     Uncle Dick