[LargeFormat] Light Tables and Boxes

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 23 14:36:11 2002

You don't need anything as absurdly little as a 35mm neg to get lightweight
cameras. Use something like a 6x9 Century Graphic, which weighs little,
accomodates a 47mm S Angulon with 9mm rising front possible (on a home- made
recessed plywood lensboard), and with a 65mm S Angulon you can use all the
rise the camera has, which isn't all that much but makes a real difference
on a 56mm wide format. Cheap LF lenses work well, as you use only their
centre of field usually and such lenses weigh little. I have bought f4.5
Tominon 75mm and 105mm in selfcocking shutters, f3.5 90mm Sekor for £40 to
£70 each and a f5.6 150mm modern little Xenar which was £160 mint. (Modern
lenses are noticeably more contrasty but f5.6 mostly)
 I bought a Calumet speed checker  and find that Copal shutters are v good
but the older S Compurs run a bit slow (even when serviced) but this only
needs to be allowed for with transparency film.
  The CG's bellows accomodate a 203mm f7.7 Ektar on a tubular extended
lensboard although I don't much use mine as a 180mm TeleArton is handier. I
am looking for a 240mm T Arton but I am unsure whether it fits the bellows
throat. The faults of the Century Graphic are (1) the small bellows opening
restricts choice (2) movements are restricted, (3) hardly any rise in
portrait mode. (4) no back movements.  However the results can be good if
the subject is well lit and you have a spirit level on the camera. Philip

I'm sure that scanning back will come with a laptop, a couple of solar
panels for recharging (sport model so they are only 1,113 g) and a
collection of NiCad batteries (can't have your 'film' running out of
power).  By the time you load that

Given the number of comments I got on how
large my Nikon is I'm sure there will be shock with my Sinar Alpina.

Best to all...
