[LargeFormat] Landscape Masters!!

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 15 00:12:04 2002

>     Find YOUR landscape. Yosemite Park is taken. Big Sur is taken.

Big Sur has been re-taken...


Jim - http://www.hemenway.com

rstein wrote:
> Dear Kent,
>      Simple.
>     Advertising.
>     Tell the world that you are the best and most exclusive and most
> ecological and intellectual and you have big friends in high places and you
> are secret but fabulous lover and will that be cash or Mastercard?
>     Convince them that your lifestyle of living on Taco Bell wrappers and
> spoonfuls of pure benzedrine is the only valid artistic statement since
> 1818.
>     Get a big old camera and a bigger older lens and the front half of an
> old Kodak Darkroom Guide and a bushel basket of assorted vegetables and a
> WPA grant and locate a sand hill and run off behind it.
>     Drink. Lots. If you can get other people to buy the drinks you can put
> the money you save towards paying for an agent to tell people to buy you
> drinks.
>     Find YOUR landscape. Yosemite Park is taken. Big Sur is taken. Mt. Fuji
> is taken. The engine shops at Chama are definitely taken. I suggest you look
> at making a lifetime artistic statement using the local fish freezing plant
> or panel beaters. If your road to fame is longer than you expect you can at
> least eat fish.
>      Uncle Dick