[LargeFormat] Photoflo & Jobo 3000 Series Expert Drums

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Tue Dec 10 13:04:17 2002

Here's the answer to your question on Photoflo (stabilizer):


And you might want to read the article by Chuck Farmer:



At 05:44 PM 12/10/2002 +0000, Clive Warren wrote:

>Thanks for the drying ideas - the chamois leather wrap seems a good plan.
>As for Photoflo - that's a bit serious. I use the stuff almost religiously 
>and have never had drying mark problems since I started using it.  There 
>is also a lifetimes supply sitting in my darkroom! Does it affect the dev 
>and fixing stages if there are minute amounts of flo clinging to the plastic?
>             Clive