[LargeFormat] Bloody Clive Again

mark blackman largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 4 19:18:18 2002

Jim, you poor sod. I got up at 5:30, left the house at 6:00. I left work at
18:30, got home at 19:45. I can confirm it was dark and raining throughout.
On my way to and from work I can confirm that London is wet and the trees
have no leaves. We have many more weeks of the same.

Well... I got up this morning at 6am. It was still dark. The sun rise
twilight started around 6:30. I could tell that it was going to be another
miserable day. The sun poked its ugly head over the south-east horizon a
little after 7. Sure enough, another day of cloudless deep blue skies.

On the way in to the office, I noticed that many of the trees are just now
beginning to turn colors. Which means that we have a few more weeks of
those brilliant fall colors illuminated by the warm rays of a
low-on-the-horizon sun.

It'll get to 67° today. No wind. The forecast has moved the chance of rain
from Friday to Saturday.
Tomorrow, they'll move it out of the picture.

Oh the misery.
