[LargeFormat] Jobo 3000 Series Expert Drums

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 2 09:31:28 2002

At 07:17 28/11/2002 -0800, Les Newcomer wrote:

When I was running an ATL-3  we used the sponge until the stick pulled out=
of the sponge, then went to the same way we dried the reels and 'amateur'=20
tanks--inside a homemade cabinet powered by a 1500w hair drier.  The temp=20
inside the cabinet would reach 180=B0 and dry anything quickly.  Never had a=
problem with glue seams seperating either.


Thanks for the comments from Les and Mark. Good to know that the tanks will=
take the temperatures without warping which was my concern. The sponge on a=
stick idea is not that appealing - just another way to introduce dust into=
the Expert tanks.

Will let you know how I get on with the processor when it arrives.

Some people have commented before about difficulty in removing the lids=20
post processing - am hoping that the foot pump is not really necessary.=20
There is a little compressor sitting in the garage if it really is that=20
difficult to remove the lids. Wasn't it Verna who said that she used her=20
fingers under the lid to open the tanks without too much trouble?
