[LargeFormat] Anyone Home???

List Admin largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 2 09:17:17 2002

At 07:18 02/12/2002 -0500, Stuart Phillips wrote:
>Now am <I >at home? I reply to Richard to assure him that he's coming
>through loud and clear and then I can't see <my> message. What sort of a
>crummy rules does this list work by? At least on the LUG, you get a death
>threat so you're pretty sure it got through.

Dear All,

There were server problems from last Thursday and believe me I have beating 
against the door of those who can sort out the issues. Essentially there 
was a huge surge in traffic on the server over the weekend that caused 
posts to the list to be dropped. I am assured that the situation is being 
monitored and steps will be taken to sort out and move other lists on the 
server that have caused us to lose contact over the weekend.

If you have posted to the list and your post has not yet appeared then 
please assume that it will not do so and post again.

Apologies for the break in service.

All the best,
                    LF Admin