[LargeFormat] Jobos for 5x7?

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Oct 21 20:20:03 2002

At 16:23 21/10/2002 -0700, Jim Brick wrote:
>At 12:13 AM 10/22/2002 +0100, Clive Warren wrote:
>>Now that IS interesting! Have never considered processing 8x10 film in 
>>the Jobo. Which drum do you use and how do you hold the film in the drum?
>>            Clive (CPE2 and no lift but plenty of trays!)
>Go here:
>A 3005 Expert drum holds 5 sheets of 8x10, and does 5x7 as well.


Thanks for that - now you're trying to change my carefully planned balance 
between photography kit, film and food aren't you........

 From the jobo web site "How can I start using the Expert Drums!?
The Expert Drums fit on the JOBO CPA-2, CPP-2, and ATL-2x00 (they don't fit 
on the CPE-2 or ATL-1000/1500)."

The problem being that the cupboard will be bare for a while if I have to 
buy a CPA-2 to go along with that expert drum

If anyone is using print drums to process 5x7 film then I would be 
interested to hear if you found any problems with streaking due to laminar 
flow and how you ensure that the film is kept away from the sides of the tank.
