[LargeFormat] A better way

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Wed Aug 7 13:01:02 2002

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Hornford, Dave wrote:

> I need a better way for many things. Some I have improvements underway,
> some only need a multi-million dollar infusion of cash, others behaviour
> modification, and on some I am truly lost...
> On the topic of truly lost, I need a better way of developing 4x5 & 7x5
> E-6 pictures. I tried a commercial establishment, I tried a second
> establishment, and using BTZS tubes. But am looking for a better method
> of developing them in my darkroom. Development tends to be in batches of
> 8 (remarkably coincidental to the capacity of a Fuji QuickHolder)
> I have heard talk of Jobo devices. Reading indicates that these may be a
> sterling answer - however my research has left a quandary: regular Tanks
> or Expert Tanks. I have two competing predispositions - first a CPA-2
> with an expert tank and second a CPE-2 without an expert tank. The 165%
> price variation makes me wonder.
> I look to your experience, or the experience of those you may know
> about, or your opinions unsullied by practical experience.
> Dave Hornford


I see you are getting plenty of replies on the question of what equipment 
is best for home development.  I would question why you aren't happy with 
the commercial labs!  I have had good luck this way and truly believe they 
will give more consistent results than the average home lab, unless you 
are very fussy and careful with your technique (or buy really expensive 
commercial grade equipment).  Black and white is a different story because 
I like the ability to adjust development times etc. based on how the first 
sheets come out, but with E6 I consider my time more valuable than the 
cost of a commercial lab.  I would rather spend that time printing... or 
sleeping for that matter!

I don't intend to insult those on the list that do enjoy processing E6 - 
it's just not for me.

What problems have you had with the pro labs?
