[LargeFormat] LF Conference and Super XX

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jul 6 23:29:07 2002

| From: "Brock Nanson" <brock@nanson.org>
| Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 22:35:25 -0700
| <snip>
| What was the consensus with regard to the future of large format film?
| Brock
| Greetings Brock,
| The big 3 all said the same thing essentially: "use it or lose it."
| said they were committed to large and UL formats, however some sizes may
| have to be special ordered by your dealer; qunatities are not the issue,
| time is.  You just may have to wait until they do the next run if it's not
| on the shelf.  Bergger said they would do just about any size one wanted.

Thanks for that Pete!

Good to hear that they haven't already pulled the plug on production.  I
think everyone will admit that digital will eventually overtake film as the
medium of choice for the majority.  Film will become somewhat cultish, just
like large format is today ;-)  (could you pass the chicken feet and eye of
newt please?).  Given that large format photography makes up a small
fraction of the hobby, we'll be a cult within a cult... We may want to
invest in some cryogenic equipment so that we might stockpile what we need
against that dreaded day...  Maybe I'll get one of those new Maytag
refrigerators and set the dial to absolute zero instead...
