[LargeFormat] 17x24 camera spec's sent

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 25 07:26:01 2002

At 23:16 24/06/02 -0400, FlaFaces1@aol.com wrote:
>I sent Clive the spec's of the repo camera for all to ponder.  I sent a pix,
>for the camera room... 7 minute download.  I am sorry... I am the dead
>armidillo, on the shoulder of the information highway...... Don


<grin> Thanks for the info and pix - will have a look later on and put 
something up on the f32.net web site attributed to your good self.

Have been away from internet access and cameras for the last few days - 
seems to have been fairly quiet in my absence. Guess everyone was out there 
with loaded film holders.

Will let you know when the 17x24 is featured.
