[LargeFormat] Diverse Interests

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 18 00:21:37 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wilkes, Don MSER:EX" <Don.Wilkes@gems9.gov.bc.ca>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [LargeFormat] Diverse Interests

| > Yes, I can see that somehow... haunting ebay for old glass,
| > both lenses and
| > tubes...
| Brock (and all the other Hams out there):
| Somewhere in my basement, I have three cardboard boxes of radio tubes that
| scrounged from Dad's basement after he passed away.  If you or anyone else
| needs them, let me know when you're passing through Victoria, and you can
| have your pick.
| Cheers,
| \donw

I'm going to bet that those of us interested in large format and amateur
radio probably own and run radio gear with tubes for at least the final
amplifier stages!  Like getting back to basics with photography and tweaking
everything manually, tuning the final amplifier stage of a radio is also
'back to basics'.  Can the Scheimpflug principle  be applied to dipping the

Thinking in these terms, my old 520 Kenwood is a legitimate contender for
back to basics, although only just.  But what about my 830?  A *digital*
display on a radio with tubes inside?  What's that about?  Like putting a
digital scanning back on an old Speed Graphic (or one of the really old
cameras Clive is so fond of!)!

That will be my last tug on this thread... so far off topic I can't see
where we started any longer...
