[LargeFormat] Dry Mounting Presses

philip.lambert largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jun 16 12:55:01 2002

>      Call on the phone to a man that owes me a favour and has actually
> hauled mountain artillery up and down. He arrived with ropes and tackle
> sized up the bannisters and stairtreads and told me to get out from under.
> have new respect for the mountain troops.

Dear Uncle Dick,
You must stop playing with those soldiers. All that heavy equipment can give
you a hernia. We have soldiers in our half of the family and they are a
rough lot, but some of the loud noises are very good. Told me I was a
natural but did not explain what that meant. These days I just shoot with a
camera as you can use the output as evidence or get paid not to.... What you
need is something that shoots through the buttonholes of your smock coat,
definitely not the Shen Hao for such sensitive work.
Nephew Philip