[LargeFormat] E6 Processing

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jun 13 12:13:12 2002

At 16:56 13/06/02 +0200, Ole Tjugen wrote:
>On an utterly different subject, I have used this rainy day to start 
>developing the B&W film from the Tintern workshop. So far, it looks 
>promising... I got back the 5x7 slides yesterday. Yet another batch ruined 
>in developing - I have lost all faith in Norwegian 
>so-called  "professional laboratories". Anyone know a good way to develop 
>E6 in a kitchen?


Sorry to hear that your E6 5x7 trannies have been ruined - what a nightmare!

You can use a three bath process at home using a roller processor or a Jobo 
running in a water bath to keep the temperature constant. I have to admit 
to using "pro" labs for my E6 processing and Robert has been kind enough to 
help me out recently on occasion for 4x5.  Finding 5x7 trannie film here in 
the UK is too much of a challenge to make the effort of setting up for 5x7 
E6 processing worthwhile.

Am sure that you could adapt a Jobo print tank to use it for 5x7 E6 
processing - the only issue is to use ribs in the tank to minimise negative 
laminar flow effects. Someone has done this for 5x7 B&W processing and 
reported it in the f32.net Discussion Forum.

Look forward to seeing some of your B&W photos in the Forum.
