[LargeFormat] Re: Decent Pastry shops & IR filters

Diane Maher largeformat@f32.net
Thu Jun 6 08:18:01 2002

Okay, I live in the midwest US and Krispy Kreme came here a few years ago and yes, some people sing the praises of this place.

NOT ME!!!!! GAG!!!!!! COUGH!!!!!

These donuts are the absolute WORST things I have ever tasted.  I felt sick after eating just one! YUCK!

Okay rant over.

Did you ever get the CoCam 87 and 87c filter thing sorted out? I currently have an 87 filter gel, but when I put it into the cokin holder, it doesn't cover the hole completely and in the metal holder for that size that I have, it doesn't even fit the P sized holder.  I would love to have a resin P sized 87 and 87c filter.