[LargeFormat] Re: Books

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 4 23:08:27 2002

Dear Unk,

I'm constantly amazed. You actually have books there in Australia. And on 
the left coast to boot! The last I heard was that the inmate population had 
confiscated those that were in public view, to use the pages as, well, that 
paper so necessary in the chicksale.

And I see that you have learned to read.

Wonders never cease.

Nephew Jimmy

At 07:38 AM 6/5/2002 +0800, rstein wrote:
>Dear Eve,
>     Sshhh. I'll let you into a secret, but you mustn't tell the others. My
>reputation would be ruined if this came out.
>      I read. I read every night. I read in the morning during clotting
>break*. I read at lunchtime when the staff watch " Days Of Our Lives " on
>the surgery telly.  read while developing negatives - particularly now that
>I have a Jobo lazy machine. And I read before I go to bed - and not just the
>Kama Sutra either.
>     I maintain a large library of picture books done by other photographers
>and use these as visual seeds to press my own vision on. I particularly
>pursue the works put out by Konemann, Taschen, and Dover - these provide the
>best value for money here in our local Australian booksellers. I do like
>Aperture titles sometimes but they came at a price that makes it a grave
>decision in the bookstore - one Aperture or many others.
>     I confess to being continually amazed at the subjects that some
>photographers choose for their books, and pile incredulity upon said
>amazement that anyone would ever purchase them. I think one that I saw in
>Sydney of twin-format portraits taken in a seedy London hotel of nude
>derelicts was the nadir of it all. Such  appalling visual meat in what was a
>very elegantly bound sandwich. Who made it? Who buys it? Goodness, as Mae
>West said, had nothing to do with it.
>     Uncle Dick
>* Well, I like to do the athletic extractions early in the morning and let
>them sit there with guaze and stitches and ice packs and thrombin powder and
>a dogged expression while I go and consult with " Dr. Moccona ".