[LargeFormat] And now in contrast

Joseph O'Neil largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 24 14:39:12 2002

At 07:23 AM 24/05/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>I wonder whether readers could advise me how to improve contrast when using
>old Kodak or other lenses on colour negative film.  This arises because a
>friend just tried my 203mm Ektar and compared the result with his next
>negative taken with the latest Schneider apo XL  lens.  The Schneider gave a
>much more contrasty result, as you would hope, in view of the price.

         Been there, done that.  Dump the Kodak, buy a new or newer 
lens.   I use to use a 135mm Kodak Wide Field Ektar - the "legendary 
one".  I tried a couple different films, films noted for thier "vivid 
colour", etc.

         In the end, I dumped the lens and bought a new Rodenstock Sironar 
135mm.  Not only did the few colour shots I take imporve, my B&W work, IMO, 
improved too.

         Don't get me wrong, the quality of the older lenses are, IMO, 
pretty darned good, and excellent to start out with, but after a point, you 
just cannot seem to get any farther.
