[LargeFormat] F32 UK workshop

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Tue May 7 10:22:01 2002

I'll be there, with a Linhof Color, 135mm/f3,5 Carl Zeiss Planar, 150mm/f5,6 Schneider Symmar, 210mm/f4,5 Voightländer Apo-Lanthar, 
340mm/f5,6 Scheider Tele-Xenar, the glass of a 210mm/f4,5 Schneider Xenar (fits in the same shutter as the 210 Voightländer), and a 
90mm/f6,8 Schneider Angulon in pieces (I'm trying to fix the shutter right now). If I run out of things to carry, I'll also bring a Linhof Technika 
III 5x7" with Schneider 300mm/f4,5 Xenar...

Ole Tj

07.05.02 15:07:32, mark.blackman1@btinternet.com wrote:

>Who's going on this & what will you be bringing?
>I will be & will be bringing an Ebony RW45 with a Schneider Super Angulon 90/8 and a 150 Apo Symmar , also a Crown Graphic with a 
135 Wray. Look forward to meeting you all!
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