[LargeFormat] Re: Lensboards on the road, bellows in the bushes, tripod in the trees.

Pete Caluori largeformat@f32.net
Thu Apr 11 09:50:53 2002

From: "rstein" <rstein@bigpond.net.au>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:33:38 +0800

Dear Frantisek,

     I do not need to be on a country road to be run down by a road train. I 
was stepping back into the street to include a hotel doorway with the bridal 
party and a passing motor car nearly made my superannuation policy 
redundant. I have since learned to push the bride out into the street first 
to absorb the worst of the impact.

      Uncle Dick


Hopefully you get paid up front.  It could be a real bugger trying to get 
paid after the bride greases the underside of the passing auto.

Regards, Pete

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