[LargeFormat] A New Toy

Pete Caluori largeformat@f32.net
Tue Apr 9 10:56:27 2002

From: "Ken Hough" <k4sb@niia.net>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 18:26:22 -0500

The bellows are not leather. Its similar to Naugahyde. Use some Lemon
Pledge on them.


Thanks Ken! I didn't think it was leather.  I'll try some Lemon Pledge; now 
not only will I have I working, hand held 4x5, but it will smell nice too!

I'll consider the other suggestions for the outside, but that's of less 
concern to me.  I'm interested in using this thing, not how it looks.  
Thanks everyone, for all the suggestions.

Regards, Pete

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