[LargeFormat] Re: Lensboards on the road, bellows in the bushes, tripod in the trees.

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 8 13:00:37 2002

Dear Unk,

Many lenses are convertible, that is, by removing or switching a rear 
element, the focal length is changed.

My Nikkor T*ED lens is a 360/500/750mm lens. One shutter and front element, 
three rear elements. Very easy to carry.

My old Symmar 210 was a convertible. Removing the rear element turned it 
onto a 420mm lens if I remember correctly.

Nephew Jim

At 07:01 PM 4/8/2002 +0800, rstein wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>     Let that be a lesson to you - do not set up your camera on the road just
>over the brow of a hill.
>     But I digress - with consummate ease - what I really wanted to ask was
>whether any manufacturer has ever made a zoom large format lens. I know
>about the Schneiders for the MF and all of the SF stuff. I was also not
>thinking of multi lenses or convertibles.
>      No, has there ever been a dialable focal length-changing view camera
>lens? It would save a lot of backpacking space and lensboard shuffling and
>studio juggling....
>      Uncle Dick