[LargeFormat] Light Meter Reccomendation

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Sat Apr 6 15:51:32 2002

I am in the market for a light meter for my wilderness photography.

I currently do most of my photography with a Sinar Alpina and use a
Nikon F70 as a light meter. My pictures are divided 1/3 ProviaF 100 and
2/3 Ilford Delta 100.=20

With several backpacking trips coming I am thinking I need to replace
the F70 with a small digital camera (CoolPix 775/Canon S110 type) for
casual pictures and a light meter - thus saving weight and volume.

I'm very open to recommendations & suggestions.

Dave Hornford
"Never mistake motion for action."
   - Ernest Hemmingway