[LargeFormat] Pollie sheets and digicheckers

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Thu Apr 4 14:50:06 2002

A lot of professional photographers use a digital camera instead of 
Polaroid for both exposure and composition determination. Many digital 
cameras have complete manual override, such as the Canon Powershot G2, and 
you can calibrate your systems so that film exposure data can be gleaned 
from the digital exposure and what you see on the camera LCD. Plus you have 
a 4mp digital backup of what you are shooting if you so choose. Handy.

We don't need no stink'n Polaroid.



> >
> >     Wait a minute, folks. Is this a chance for a great new product? The
> > digital checker back? No need to create a megagigawhackafile to put into a
> > computer - just a little liquid crystal screen at the back to show a
> > part of the image - and an adjustment that accurately correlates the
> > intensity of that image to the ASA of the film that you are using. The the
> > whole image can be wiped by the next shot - no need to save it.
> >
At 08:33 PM 4/4/2002 +0100, mark blackman wrote:
>I think this a wonderful idea, rush ant patent it now. If I may be so bold
>as to add it to it, why not make sure that this  new
>digitalbackwhichwillbeverycostly provides such resolution that we could all
>use our ancient loupes to check the focussing in the corners? Whilst I'm at
>it and getting carried away, how about making sure the design places this
>newfangledalldancingalllhugging back in the focus plane? I am absolutely
>sure no one has ever come up with such a ground breaking idea, I'm sure you
>could retire to the more pleasant climes of the globe, and not put up with
>all these nasty out-casts of the British Empire you seemed to have occupied
>so far.
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