[LargeFormat] Geography through a distorted lens....

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 29 21:33:49 2002

Dear Tom,

     There is a small difference between southern Canada and northern United
States. One is filled with crazy people and the other is filled with crazy
people, but more heavily armed.

    I cannot remember just now which is which, but if you go out in the deer
season wearing a fur coat and waving a set of antlers you can find out.
Actually, from memory, you can also find out if you go out wearing a cow
suit or and stop sign suit, or even a red suit with a big notice on it
saying " I'm Another Hunter, Damn It!".

    It is sort of like finding out the difference between the Swedes and the
Norwegians. There are definite signs if you know what to look for. Mind you
I suspect it must be different in real life from what we see on the movies.
Case in point was recently when I was asked where babies come from. I didn't
want to admit that I didn't know so I went along to my doctor to ask. He
greeted me with " Oh God, not you again, what is it now?" which I take to be
traditional because a lot of people say that to me. Anyway he recommended
that I get out and see a Swedish sex movie, or at least get out.

     Well, I did, and I think I have grasped the essence of sex. I think the
director of the film was a Mr. Bergman, but anyway it appears that sex is
when you get really really depressed and think about death a lot and it is
all grey and mankey outside. What do you know - I've been having a whale* of
a time for years and didn't even know it!

     Uncle Dick

* Hint: Don't say whale to a Norwegian, They get out a knife and fork and
bottle of tomato sauce and start looking around hungrily....