[LargeFormat] Keeping Film Cool

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Sun Mar 10 22:41:26 2002

Liberal snipping...

| I think I may have seen you - were you the guy with the snow shoes on
| walking backwards up the hill?  My feet were freezing......

And let me tell you, walking backwards in snowshoes is no mean feat!

| There was only me......  Maybe that was the temperature of the
| sand/rock or the temp that I recall from the car outside therm but I
| can assure you that it felt warmer than an English summer ;-) If I
| had an egg with me it would have fried on the rocks.

I can certainly believe the rocks or asphalt would be that hot or hotter.
You don't want to go barefoot over them without studying with the firewalker

| "On an 85 degree day, the temperature inside a car, even with the
| windows slightly open, will reach 102 degrees in ten minutes and 130
| degrees in thirty minutes."  http://www.wildernet.com/

How do you like your dog?  Medium Rare or Well Done?  Amazing how many
tourists come through my city in the summer and pop into the store 'just for
a minute', leaving their dog in the vehicle...

| Now, if only I had the time I would do some comparative tests with
| the fridge and oven as storage devices for film from the same
| batch....... all this armchair philosophy is all very well....... :-)

In all seriousness, it would be an interesting experiment.  Reciprocity
failure is a known issue and values are given.  Perhaps some ballpark colour
correction values can be given for high temperatures over extended periods.
But, I'm not going to volunteer to do it ;-)

| Anyway, no one can stop me from trying to keep film cool and
| everybody needs a hobby.......

And not much of a hobby either, if Menso's travels to the beach with vinyl
LP's and beanbag chairs are any benchmark ;-)
