[LargeFormat] A new departure

Kevin M. Bell largeformat@f32.net
Thu Mar 7 15:33:17 2002

At 11:19 AM 3/7/2002, you wrote:
>You may have additional security and inspection as FedEx moves the item
>through customs into China.
>I don't need my own account to 'borrow' one. I receive FedEx packages
>regularly with the senders account codes on it.
>Regards Dave

No doubt, although I may have less trouble if I ship to a Hong Kong hotel 
before going into the mainland - all I will be doing is missing the X-Ray 
machines in Denver and Los Angeles.   I won't be able to eliminate 
exposure, just reduce it as much as possible.

My point with FedEx regards a hypothetical situation.  *If* they were to 
start scanning packages, it would make sense to scan packages that have a 
higher probability of being dangerous.  This would include, for example, 
packages dropped off at a FedEx or Mail-Boxes-'R-Us type location.  It 
would exclude a large shipper, say B&H, shipping from their own 
location.  I would expect that you would raise red flags were you to use 
B&H's FedEx number while shipping from an unrelated location.

Kevin M. Bell