[LargeFormat] Help, scratches on negative..

Pete Caluori largeformat@f32.net
Tue Mar 5 18:17:04 2002

From: "Achal Pashine" <achal@stanford.edu>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 09:30:43 -0800

Last time, I washed the negatives in a tray with fast running tap water. On 
the other list I am on, I heard that forced tap water can cause damage to 
negatives like the scratches I have seen. I need to devise some alternative 
there too.


Achal, the advice that has been given to you so far by Uncle Dick et. al. is 
excellent, however let me add one comment to your statement about washing.  
You do not need "fast running" water.  What you do need is to change the 
water periodically, with slight agitation (or constant preferrably) in 

How you accomplish this depends on the method you decide upon for 
processing.  If you are going to use metal hangers in a tank.  Then use the 
same tank for washing.  I would think that 20 complete changes of water in 
the tank, with 30-60 seconds of agitation in between, would result in fully 
washed film.  You might be able to get away will fewer changes of water, but 
it's better to err on the side of more and it depends on the quality of your 
wash water.

Regards, Pete

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