[LargeFormat] Shen-Hao Cameras

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Mar 4 17:13:05 2002

At 11:29 am -0800 4/3/02, Wilkes, Don MSER:EX wrote:
>  > Have just come across an interesting range of cameras called
>>  Shen-Hao. They make a GJ45/CG45, HZX45 and HZX810.
>Clive:  The current issue (Jan/Feb 2002) of "View Camera" magazine has a
>shortish article on the BZX45-IIA on page 55.  If you do not have access to
>this (fine!) magazine there in the UK, let me know, and I'll type up the
>article for you.
>Someone asked about the price:  MSRP is $625 [US].

Thanks for the offer Don - View Camera magazine is available by 
subscription only here in the UK. Typing up the article will probably 
break some copyright unless you have specific permission to copy the 
article so probably better to summarise it if you have the time.
