[LargeFormat] Cabin fever has set in.

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Fri Feb 8 21:39:08 2002

> Dear Friends,
> 1.     You walk into the darkroom cold with a headache and 6 DD's filled
> with colour neg - result of a studio shoot. How much time until you have =
> 12 wet negs pegged up to dry and can leave the darkroom.

> Uncle Dick
 When I was running the ATL 3  I would start with as hot a water as I could
get out of our 10 gallon water tank, that was usually 140F=B0. That also
pretty much put an end to that surgeon fish.  Then I'd turn the machine on,
set it to it's normal 39=B0C setting for E-6.  With full bottles it would tak=
about 1/2 an hour to get up to running, then about  40 minutes to run the
process as I loaded the expert tanks with the machine was warming up.

If we were shooting during the day and knew we would have film to run at th=
end of the day, I'd start it up about an hour before final film and let it
warm up by itself, then run the film fresh out of the camera, put it in the
dryer, pull the plug on the water jacket, shut the power down and go home.

About 6 months ago I was looking into ATLs and CPE's  and since I shoot 4x5=
5x7, and 8x10 the cost of the expert tanks alone kept me thinking.  I
finally found a stainless steel three tank sinkline with nitro burst + a
wash  for about what three expert tanks would cost new. Yes it's more manua=
than the ATL and it won't be as consistant, but I'm only doing B&W.  I'm
still working on plumbing it in, but so far I think I'm money ahead.
