[LargeFormat] New Mexico Junior College

hairy possum largeformat@f32.net
Tue Feb 5 10:58:04 2002

I have been doing some research on Photography courses
to take when I retire.  Location is no problem as I
will be able to travel some for months at a time.  I
would like a fairly small school in a town that I
could rent an apartment or home for maybe 6 months at
a time.

Seems like I heard the New Mexico Junior College in
Hobbs, NM, has a great photo department.

Does anyone live close to there and know about them,
or has anyone actually attended the courses???

IF you have, or if you know of another school that has
great photo department, please let me know.

My situation is this:  I will retire in a couple of
years and want to improve my technical and creative
side of photography.

I have been photographing for a number of years and
have equipment from 35mm to 8x10 and love to shoot
mostly black and white lately.

I don't want to go to Brooks, or schools like that as
I won't be starting a new career in photography.  

Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,



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