[LargeFormat] Polaroid Film

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Tue Feb 5 05:32:03 2002

Dear Achal,

     Oh for Heaven's sake...you live in California. You can get anything
photographic on the planet at the local Quicky Mart. You can get Super Royal
XX in 9 x 82 inch single use sachets in three designer colours and four
 all-natural ) flavours. You don't need advice from us.

     Actually the foregoing was just a grumpy reaction from a photographer
who lives at the end of the earth ( The old dried-up end of the old dried-up
British empire....) and has to take what he can get when it comes to sheet

     Sometimes we get Kodak T-Max 100 in 4 x 5 and sometimes we get Agfapan
100 and sometimes we get Ilford Delta whatever. Sometimes we get nothing ( "
There is no call for sheet film. You're the fourth photographer today who
has asked for it and I keep telling you - there's no call for it....").

    We can nearly always get Ilford FP4 and nearly always get some form of
Ilford developer - I have a bottle of Ilfosol S on the shelf right now. It
works fine as a combination. I would cheerfully use olive oil and Crayolas
if they were readily available.

    That, Achal, is one of the chief charms of large format. You can use
anything in the film holder - if it is flat enough to get the darkslide over
you can make a picture on it.

     Uncle Dick