[LargeFormat] Weather in Detroit

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Feb 4 14:54:15 2002

At 7:35 pm -0600 3/2/02, Lee Carmichael wrote:
><The film bag has been sitting in the hall packed with loaded film>
><holders and freezer packs ready to go whenever the weather decides to>
><calm down a bit.>
>     What do the freezer packs do?  Surely it is cool enough for even color
>film to sit out and not be damaged.


The B&W film is fine whatever the temperature here in the UK, however 
the Velvia and Provia I like to keep as cool as possible. There is a 
radiator in the hall so the freezer packs keep the insulated film bag 
nice and cool.
