[LargeFormat] How do you transport lenses in the field?

philip Lambert largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 27 14:27:40 2002

Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] How do you transport lenses in the field?

> You can buy lens wraps from Calumet that will help cushion them,  You
> add two pieces of wood with slots to both sides of the tool box so the
> lenses would be stationary.

My camera bag is by preference not the eye-catching kind and was bought used
at a camera fair for £10. It is divided into camera and lens-panel areas;
the adjustable dividers are wood strips covered in resilient plastic
foam.The lenses are all separated by these dividers - it helps that the lens
panels are small. The side pockets are not padded so anything in these is
(a) cheap (b)wrapped up well.  If I trip up and fall to the ground in an
untidy heap (again) there is a good chance that the padded camera bag will
provide some protection.  It did last time.  I carry the tripod on my
shoulder. None of my equipment is unique, virtually none was bought new and
all of it could be replaced over time.  Insurance anybody? Philip