[LargeFormat] Wisner and Ebony Field Cameras

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 13 21:33:29 2002

At 10:16 am +0000 12/1/02, mark blackman wrote:
>I have an Ebony RW45, but I'm probably not in the best position to make a
>recommendation being new to LF (I do have an old crown graphic as well). It
>has front rise & fall, and front and back swing & tilt , no lateral
>movements - its a folder.  Joe Cornish did review of the RSW45 in Outdoor
>Photography last year. This camera has limited movements as well, but he was
>v impressed. Im very pleased with mine, its rigid and clearly well designed
>and constructed. As I said, I cant make comparisons with the Wisner. If you
>are ever in London you are welcome to see for yourself, I could even post it
>to you (so long as you send it back!). I use it with a 150 & 90 lenses.  Try
>Robert White's site for more info.


Thanks for the information. Am gradually catching up with Email as 
have been spending a lot of time on the f32.net workshop organisation 
over the weekend. In  fact, I have had an offer from Robert White to 
supply a couple of demonstration cameras to the f32 Large Format 
workshop, an RSW45 and an RW45 so am currently working out the 

The loan of your Ebony is a very kind offer - I would be too worried 
about the postal service to even consider that as an option!  Perhaps 
if I am in London for a couple of days we can meet though and you can 
talk me through it. Am starting to feel financially challenged 

How do you find your RW45 with the 90mm lens for movements - do the 
bellows allow full movements? How do you think it would perform with 
even shorted lenses?

I am a bit surprised that we have so few Ebony users on the list - it 
might be interesting to do a quick survey at some point to see what 
people are using out in the field.

Will be putting up a link to Roberts site in the f32.net links pages 
when I get a spare moment.
