[LargeFormat] FW: Polaroid Type 55 Discontinued!

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jan 6 06:02:01 2002

Tim Atherton wrote:

"Not sure how true this is - but wouldn't surprise me.

From the LF list:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: bboard@greenspun.com [mailto:bboard@greenspun.com]
> Sent: January 5, 2002 12:55 PM
> To: tim@KairosPhoto.com
> Subject: Polaroid Type 55 Discontinued!
> I just received a letter from my distributor announcing that 
> Polaroid is discontinuing Type 55 P/N 4x5 film."

It's grim news if it's true. I confess it's the only B&W film I ever use in

I don't actually *own* a 5x4 DDS, just a Polaroid back for T55 and a Fuji
Quickload back for Fuji colour films. I tried NeoPan 80 in Quickload once
and liked it, I suppose I'll have to try it again if this is true.

David Morton

"The more opinions you have, the less you see." -- Wim Wenders.