[LargeFormat] Ground Glass Focusing

philip Lambert largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 2 17:54:02 2002

Actually I find that a pair of glasses to my distance prescription with just
a half-diopter added,  in theory  focussed on two metres, actually enables
me to read titles of books on the library shelves, focus my camera by
groundglass and also recognise people across a room. I can even drive
wearing them in strong sunlight but not at night when the correct distance
prescription is essential. Varifocal spectacles (mine at least) are not a
perfect answer.. I can hold a focussing loup back to front close to my naked
eye and focus on the ground glass. I expect anybody could. Philip
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stein" <stein@bekkers.com.au>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] Ground Glass Focusing

> Dear Clive,
>      When you go into the opticians for your spectacles ask him for the
> newfangled bifocals. Dr. Franklin swears by them. They will enable you to
> to your local public library and spend a rewarding morning trying to get
> angle of the blasted things correct to see the titles on the bottom shelf.
> This will provide amusement and instruction for all the other users of the
> library and if you stick your bottom in the air long enough you will meet
> entirely new class of good friends.