[LargeFormat] color transparencies (and philanthropy) formerly HTTP and etc.

Joe Tait largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 30 14:28:02 2001

On 12/29/01 1:17 PM, "philip Lambert" <philip.lambert@virgin.net> wrote:

> I like the idea of giving away usable stuff that never gets used and didn't
> sell  but how do you recognise a deserving person and exclude the dealers?
> Phil

I would consider myself a worthy person. I would be wary of bottom-feeders.
Ultimately I think it should be someone being true to LF and photography
generally. I'm 22 and starting :) out, my sign shop job exists in a digital
wellspring and I think about palladium contact printing.

My avenues for acquiring lenses are the same as most: ebay, on-line
re-sellers/retail. Local isn't even worth discussing. I'm not broke though.
I'd be wanting an equitable exchange for both parties. If you have some
extra lenses that aren't getting used, let me know!
