[LargeFormat] Vegemite

philip Lambert largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 23 18:16:29 2001

I couldn't help but laugh at this..... Marmite is not a man's food - my dog
liked it but it died. As to sad and effete, this is stereotypical thinking:
Sport isn't my thing but once or twice a year a cricket game becomes very
exciting. Millions watch it on TV and not for a lack of alternative.  Our
rugby players play a fierce game without body armour. We are even good at
soccer, it seems.    Our economy is running at the lowest rate of
unemployment in generations and is the healthiest in Europe. Our best
universities are as good as any in the world. I currently attend a history
course at London University where we have a lot of well-mannered US
affiliate students. They hold open the door for me - it makes me feel about
ninety.There is a risk of being helped to cross the road.
Even the photographic trade is making a living, although more from digital
turnover than large format, where used equipment is slow to sell often at
prices well below those in the US.  I recently bought a 120mm Angulon (5x7)
for £40 plus the same to clean and adjust the S.Compur shutter. Monorails
can be bought used for £225 depending...I was offered a 5x4 MPP technical
for £150 as it had a cracked ground-glass.
 At the moment we are having a dry winter and the light is sometimes good
for hours. I have taken to carrying a 35mm reflex round central London
hoping to be passing near interesting buildings when the light is right.  I
prefer my 120 view camera outfit  but it's heavy and cannot just be carried
around on the off chance.  Come to England ( by sea even), there is a great
deal worth visiting whether scenery or theatre/museums.  Cricket starts in
the summer.  Philip
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stein" <stein@bekkers.com.au>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 2:09 AM
Subject: [LargeFormat] Vegemite

> Dear Readers,
>     Lambert is not as cracked as he sounds - or at least not on the side
> towards the audience.
>     For me, I stick to the Vegemite on the biscuits and it sticks to me.
> then I always was a messy eater.
>      Uncle Dick
> PS: The English equivalent is Marmite. As with all things English it is
> and effete. See English cricket XI.....