[LargeFormat] Vegemite

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 22 23:10:00 2001

But where does Promite fit into the picture?  My wife always insists on
bringing several jars of what I call 'black death' back with us from
Brisbane.  Can't buy it here in British Columbia... I could make a smart
comment about why we are above importing it, but won't out of fear that I
might offend someone ;-)   Oddly enough, she won't touch Vegemite or
Marmite... same sh*t different bucket I say, but what do I know.

If someone would point me to a North American supplier of this stuff, I
could probably save $5,000 bi-annually on airfares...

Just to keep this within missile range of on-topic, I try to haul my sinar f
with me as well... but next time will stick with the Super Graphic I think -
much more portable and easier to explain to security staff.


----- Original Message -----
From: Stein <stein@bekkers.com.au>
To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 6:09 PM
Subject: [LargeFormat] Vegemite

> Dear Readers,
>     Lambert is not as cracked as he sounds - or at least not on the side
> towards the audience.
>     Vegemite TM is a Kraft product that is made of reprocessed yeast
> from the end of the brewing cycle. It is salty, strange, and tasty - a
> definite hit on hot toast or Sao biscuits. It is very high in some
> But it is still brown sludge.
>      Yes, it has been used in large format photography. A thin slurry has
> been used by some students to tone fibre-based prints. Presumably because
> they are students and cannot afford Viradon. It is as dreadful in this
> as all the other food colouring tricks - tea, coffee, etc.
>     For me, I stick to the Vegemite on the biscuits and it sticks to me.
> then I always was a messy eater.
>      Uncle Dick
> PS: The English equivalent is Marmite. As with all things English it is
> and effete. See English cricket XI.....
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