[LargeFormat] Critiqueing Photos

Ken Hough largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 9 12:04:02 2001

I am asked to " judge" photos. Heres the way I do it.
I avoid the personal vision of what the photographer was trying to convey.
Instead I go after the technical aspects. Dust, finger prints, out of focus areas
and why they are. I expect to see grain sharp prints. Judging is too 

To:             	largeformat@f32.net
From:           	Clive Warren <cocam@cableinet.co.uk>
Subject:        	[LargeFormat] Critiqueing Photos
Send reply to:  	largeformat@f32.net
Date sent:      	Sun, 9 Dec 2001 01:20:34 +0000

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At 9:41 am -0700 8/12/01, Karl Wolz wrote:
>BTW, I hate critiquing photos.  When we create a photograph, as in any other
>art production, we are putting a bit of ourselves into the image.  When I
>critique your image, I feel that I am criticizing your vision, and perhaps
>you, yourself.  I guess that some of us need to develop thicker skins,
>myself included.
>That being said, I really don't care for the infrared image of the bridge
>(there, I said it).  I have been using it as a screen background for the
>last few days so I could take a long look at it.
>My opinion and a buck-fifty will get you a cup of coffee, I know.  The
>bridge (in my opinion) needs to be more dominant. Perhaps by moving the
>camera position to the right, you could make the bridge "loom" over the
>image.  You have a wonderful sky, but the foliage on the other side of the
>valley is too harsh and, without a visual focal point, is a distraction.
>Perhaps someday I will get to England and we can visit this together.
>How are your plans to visit my neck of the woods coming along?


We have set up a photo critique topic area on the f32.net web site. 
It seems to work very well, we are now waiting for people to post 
more images - perhaps they simply need a reminder! Robert Lawrence 
moderates the topic and also provides extremely useful advice if 
asked in the Discussion Forum http://www.f32.net/discus/

Being able to take on board criticism is probably quite healthy and 
you can learn from it even if you don't agree with it. I like to get 
feedback on my work - however am fickle in that I usually am quite 
keen on a particular photo for about three weeks after it has been 
taken (trannies) or printed, then I am indifferent to it and think it 
nothing special. We are probably our own best critics.

I agree with you about the bridge photo - there is a lot there that 
could be improved. The interesting thing about the shot for me is all 
the diagonal lines in the photo - which is what drove the 
composition. The strong graphic lines in the sky, the bridge, the 
suspension cables and the shadow of the bridge falling down the gorge 
is what made me keen on it initially. The shot was taken at 8am one 
Spring Saturday morning - I crept out of the house and went straight 
to the bridge when I saw the sky.  There was 10 minutes of sunshine 
on the bridge and the gorge and that was it. 20 minutes later it was 
pouring with rain and I was back in bed!

I would be interested in any thoughts on one photo that I still like 
from the last US trip. There are faults with it but it is one shot I 
still look at from time to time..... 
http://www.f32.net/f32Gallery/pages/Tree.htm  Ten minutes from 
stopping the car and setting up to open the shutter. Only just enough 
light to focus before that was no longer an option.

Yes, make your plans for a visit for the f32 Spring workshop running 
in association with Robert Lawrence studios in Tintern, Wales. Would 
be delighted to take a photographic stroll around Bristol Karl.

I will be in the US again next year - the next trip will have a 
little more forward planning - and I hope to combine it with an f32 
workshop. Will be working more on the plans for this over the next 
few weeks.

Sorry to have missed you on the last trip - I was too keen to leave 
Utah and hit Sedona so drove straight through - you have no idea how 
close I came to calling you though!


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        ******Ken Hough Photographic Repair******
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