[LargeFormat] will a darkslide skim across a pond from the shore?

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 3 13:06:02 2001

Hello, new friends in the large format room.  I just did my second shooting 
with my GraphicView.  I am mixing up the soup, tonight.. I did a morrning 
shot of the solid waste incinerator, in St. Pete. Florida.  It is an 
impressive structure, to me, photographically.

Sugestion for skimming a dark slide across a pond.

I am a simple man.  I do not posess all the technical formulas, technical 
terms that you all use. but I am learning from all of you!  Thanks !!!

dark slide sugestion-  Use a fishing pole.  Superglue the end of the line, to 
the dark slide.
After super glue is dry, cast the darkslide, and see if it skims.   This way, 
you can recover, the darkslide!  Saves a lot of mony, doing the experiment!  
I would think....

just a thought, Don Mason  again, thanks for the knowledge you all are 
teaching me!