[LargeFormat] Kozik aluminium/wood 4x5/8x10 KIT

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 20 06:22:46 2001

At 01:12 18/06/01 +0200, Frantisek Vlcek wrote:
>Although I am presently (and won't be quite a long time) not in
>position to afford a LF, so I am just "lurking" on this highly
>informative list, I wanted to share and ask opinion on this interesting
>LF monorail kit - because it's only a second LF camera kit known to me
>(Bender being the 1st). All I know is this url - <http://home.luna.
>Anybody actually seen this camera or used it?
>Any comments?
>Any price quotes? Their email didn't work for me.


Thanks for the URL - this is a camera which I hadn't heard of until your 
post.  Will add a link to it on the f32 Links page.

Had a quick look around the web site but didn't see any prices quoted.  The 
cameras look interesting though - could be a candidate for a very versatile 
machine which could be equally useful for backpacking and studio type work 
where you have to travel.

Let us know if you find out any more - seems that peops on the list haven't 
much information so anything you can tell us will be useful.
