[LargeFormat] A bit quiet!

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 25 12:12:08 2001

I always learn little things on this list - like putting notes in the zip
locks the film holders go in rather than writing in a book and relying on
the holders numbers to match what I wrote in the book.

I was out, without my camera, on a weekend backpacking trip in Banff Park -
lovely spring weather  winds up to 90 km/h, low of -2 C, touch of snow,
touch of rain, touch of thunder & lightning, high of 18 -  however in the
mountains the weather was nicer than back home in Calgary.

Off to Dinosaur Provincial Park today - I always enjoy the photography and
must admit a 'kick' out of standing on the exact same ground where a
Tyrannosaur died a few million years ago (there is a short walk to where a
Tyrannosaur and Anklyosaur seem to have killed each other and were dug up
-can't recall the exact species involved)


-----Original Message-----
From: Clive Warren [mailto:Clive.Warren@megacycle.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 5:51 AM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: [LargeFormat] A bit quiet!

Hello All,

Have been away for a few days with the trusty MPP 4x5 up in Norfolk and 
revisiting some places now that the spring foliage has come out.  Managed 
to get myself out of synch with a few film holders for the first time - so 
may have a few surprises when  the trannies are developed.  Not enough 
discipline in writing notes which normally accompany the holders in their 
ziplock bags.....

The Norfolk countryside was quiet - much the same as the list :-)

Guess you're all out enjoying the Spring sunshine.......



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