[LargeFormat] Polaroid in winter

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 9 11:28:06 2001

At 18:49 05/03/01 -0500, TigerShark wrote:
>At time of processing, the temp should be as close to ideal as possible (70
>deg C) ... and it takes time to heat up the chemical pod after it has been
>stored cold.  Some photographers will carry several sleeves of polaroid
>under their shirt to keep them warm and will put them back under the shirt
>while developing.
>I have noticed that polaroids look better when processed hotter rather than
>colder, and I have the inclination to believe that daylight exposure
>(relatively long) produces better polaroids than flash exposure (relatively

Somewhere in the depths of the darkroom is a metal alloy plate/s which you 
are supposed to stick under your arm whilst taking the photos and then 
place the polaroid on/between during processing.  It has been so long sine 
last seeing it that it may be for smaller formats but I seem to remember 
that it originally came along with a Polaroid 110b camera......

The whole process is variable so the use of Polaroids as a critical tool 
for large format photography is questionable unless you have a scene or 
circumstance which you want to record that has to be right as you may never 
get another chance etc.

The out of date film sitting elsewhere is quite fast - will have to check 
it but think it's B&W 400ASA or similar.  Probably suffered a bit more than 
100 would have done in similar storage conditions.

Shame it isn't colour as I would have used it a long time ago for 

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography