[LargeFormat] 8X10 Cold Light head; Durst carriers

Don Wilkes largeformat@f32.net
Fri Dec 29 12:42:03 2000

At 08:02 AM 12/29/00 -0800, Ted wrote:
>I have not received any thing from this group in a few days.

Yeah, it's been a bit quiet, but then it is the holidays...

>I am looking for an 8X10 Cold Light head, if someone knows where I can et
one at a good price.

I don't know much about coldlights, but notice that Photomall seem to have
them. See: http://www.photomall.com/gedurst.htm and scroll down to the
section labelled "8X10 CONVERSION KIT for 5X7 DURST".  It says, in part,
"NOTE: the Aristo model 810 cold light head is available new for about
$400. Aristo cold lights may be ordered with tubes suitable for variable
contrast paper, graded paper or even color paper."

And, speaking of large Dursts... 

I just recently got my new-to-me 138S up and running, and was very
surprised at the HUGE amount of light pouring out the sides of the neg
carrier. My room is a bit cramped, so the enlarger is very near a wall
(which I'm now considering painting flat black!).  The light spillage had a
severe impact on contrast, as you might expect.  I've carved a trio of
light baffles out of scrap floor tiles, which I can press-fit around the
carrier, and will  be testing tonight.  I think this *should* alleviate
much of the problem, but I've been wondering if other 138 owners have
better ideas.  Clive?
