[LargeFormat] Kodak Specialist Model 2 half-plate camera

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 20 12:56:02 2000

At 11:37 am -0600 20/12/00, Lee Carmichael wrote:
>>>>  10:12 am -0600 17/12/00, Pam Niedermayer wrote:
>>>>>backs? I'd love to see some photos of it.
>>Well you are in luck! I have just posted some photos of the camera 
>>on the f32 Discussion Forum:
>>All the best,
>>             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net

>Read the f32 list with the images of the camera and get back to me 
>today.  My back is 8 and 3/8" high and 10 and 3/8" wide.  This is 
>the removable section outside measurments.

The back measurements are 8 and 3/8" square - it is a revolving back.

All the best,

             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net
                            Large Format travel and stock photography